ʻAha Wahine

Thursday, Sep. 28 • 7pm
Hoʻeu Mana: Reawakening Ancestral Stories
Join us for our next webinar titled: Hōʻeu Mana Reawakening Ancestral Knowlesge on Thursday September 28, 2023 from 7-8pm.
This group of wāhine practitioners is dedicated to uplifting mo‘olelo of abundance through art, photography, and map making. Hō’eu Mana - reawakening ancestral stories - is currently on exhibition at Arts & Letters and focuses on the akua wāhine and wahi pana of Kou and Nu’uanu. Their intent is to bring life to our akua through mo’olelo and to ground our Lāhui in the names of our ‘āina.
Sunday, March 26 & Monday, March 27
Haumea Chronicles
2pm - 5pm

ʻAha Wahine Kuhinapapa is excited to present Haumea Chronicles: Revealing Haumea within every wahine will occur on March 26th and March 27th, 2023. Join us at Palikū Theatre at Windward Community College amidst the backdrop of the Koʻolau Mountains. The first performance on 3/26/23 is dedicated to Hale Peʻa or women only. The second performance on 3/27/23 is our Kauhale and open to everyone. Please be mindful of the mature stories that will be shared.
When: March 26 and 27th 2:00-5:00 pm
Each performance is 2:00 pm till 4:00 pm. For those interested, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm we will have several rooms available for deeper discussions, joyful story-telling and support for those who experience any type of emotional triggers.
See you there, tickets are limited. A donation of $20 per ticket is suggested. All proceeds will benefit Native Hawaiian women to include those haumana attending Windward Community College.
Mahalo to our sponsors: Papa Ola Lōkahi, Seventh Generation Fund, Windward Community College and ʻEkolu Mea Nui.
Any questions email us at: info@ekolumeanui.org

Haumea Chronicles:
Pre-show Foreplay
Join us for our pre-show foreplay for the upcoming Haumea Chronicles. In our next webinar, ‘Aha Wahine committee members and performers from the past and present show will talk about past and upcoming performances. Learn about the inspiration behind the original Haumea Chronicles show in 2012 and get a preview of what this years performers has in store for us!
The webinar will be Thursday 3/16/23 from 7-8pm on Zoom. Check out our website to register.

Thursday, February 23, 2022 • 7pm HST
The Whole Nene
Join us for our next webinar where we talk story about our love for our ever changing bodies, comedic connections within womanhood, and other feminine musings. This webinar is to prepare us for a fantastic upcoming in-person show on 3/26 and 3/27 called the Haumea Chronicles… a little foreplay if you will. More info to follow in the coming days.
Our presenters Puni and Lani will share their personal stories that will be both loving and hilarious. You won’t want to miss it! The Zoom webinar is on Thursday February 23, 2024 from 7-8pm. Register on our website.

Thursday, January 26 • 7pm HST
Wāhine Sexuality II
Join us Thursday January 26 7-8pm for part II of the Wāhine Sexuality conversation with Mehana, Aukahi and Lilikalā.
Our next webinar titled: Wahine Sexuality II: Conversations with the Goddess will be a candid and feisty discussion with Dr. Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa about what our mele, mo'olelo and mo'okū'auhau reveal about sexuality and relationships.
Thursday, November 17, 2022 • 7pm HST
Wāhine Sexuality
Join our presenters in discussing Wahine Sexuality in a modern context. We will look at sexuality as part of Mauli Ola and understand the social, cultural, and spiritual aspects of who we are as wāhine. E hele mai! Come! It’s going to be a festive discussion. Thursday November 17, 2022 7pm-8pm on Zoom.

Thursday, October 27, 2022 • 7pm HST
Wāhine Warriors: Journeys with cancer
As October Breast Cancer Awareness month comes to a close, join us to hear personal stories of dealing with cancer.
This month’s webinar will be held on Thursday October 27, 2022 from 7-8pm on Zoom. Registration is up on our website.
Thursday, July 28, 2022 • 7pm HST
He Lālā Ulu
What does it mean to call yourself a Hawaiian fashion company? How do our business practices affect the ʻāina and the community? How will our moʻopuna look back on our business choices? What kind of landscape are we leaving them? These are the questions that the wāhine of Kealopiko are always asking themselves. Join us for a kūkākūkā session on running a Hawaiian clothing company in the era of climate change
Thursday, August 25, 2022 • 7pm HST
Understanding Period Poverty in Hawai‘i
Growing up in Waimānalo on Hawaiian homelands, sisters, Brandy-Lee Yee, Nikki-Ann Yee, and Jamie-Lee Kapana knew all too well firsthand the struggles many local households face living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make ends meet. They were committed to coming together and bringing to light an issue that’s not always spoken openly about: periods. Ma'i Movement Hawai'i was founded to directly address the issue of period poverty, or the inability to access menstrual products and education, which disproportionately affects menstruating students, members of low-income households, persons experiencing homelessness, individuals who identify as nonbinary or transgender, as well as those presently incarcerated.

Thursday, May 19, 2022 • 7pm HST
ʻEkolu Mea Nui
Out of lived experience and a call to action by the community, the ʻOhana Miller started ʻEkolu Mea Nui, a non-profit organization determined to transform Hawaiʻiʻs criminal justice system into a pono one through Native Hawaiian beliefs, values and practices. The Wahine Miller will share their lessons learned and vision for a carceral space that is uplifting, positive and transformative for all. The three generations of presenters include: Jamee Miller, Kalei K-aloha, Aubree K-aloha
EA: Education with Aloha
For an Independent Hawaiʻi
This webinar features Dr. Kū Kahakalau and her daughters ʻIʻinimaikalani and Pōlanimakamae, a family of Hawaiian educators, social entrepreneurs, performing artists and cultural practitioners, hailing from Kukuihaele on Hawaiʻi Island. Using personal moʻolelo and real life experiences, the trio will share the impact of an ancient, yet modern, culture-based way of teaching and learning known as Education with Aloha, or EA, which also means sovereignty in Hawaiian. In addition, Aunty Kū and her daughters will explain their latest efforts to develop EA Ecoversity, a culture-based higher education and career training program for young Hawaiians ages 15-30, in their ongoing effort to grow educated 21st century kanaka and contribute to the creation of a culture-based Hawaiian system of education.

Saturday, March 26, 2022 • 9am HST
E ola mau kou inoa! May your name live on!
Join us on Saturday, March 26, 9am-10:30am for “E ola mau kou inoa! May your name live on!” a watercolor workshop with Kumu Mailelani Naehu!
In this workshop we will explore our inoa, our names. We will begin by prepping our canvases during a tutorial painting lesson using watercolors. While we paint, Kumu Maile will share about Hawaiian naming practices. Next, we will explore the manaʻo (meaning) and moʻolelo (story) of our moʻolelo inoa (name story). While our canvases dry, Kumu Maile will guide us through composing our very own mele inoa (name song/poem). We will each create a multi media masterpiece combining paint and poetry that is unlike anything else on the planet, your moʻolelo inoa! E ola kou inoa!
All ages are welcome!
Nā Lako (supplies needed):
Penikala - Pencil
Mea Holoi - Eraser
Pepa - Paper (preferably watercolor or thick paper)
Pena wai - Watercolor paint set
Huluʻānai - Paintbrush (the one in watercolor set is fine)
Pola wai - Bowl of water
Peni maka ʻeleʻele - Black marker (preferably fine tip)

Thursday, February 24, 2022 • 7pm HST
Nā Moolelo Kawowo: Tales of Our Queens,
Grandmothers & Goddesses
Our ʻAha Wahine Kūhinapapa webinar series is returning and will be held on the last Thursday of every month at 7pm HST! We have a fabulous line up for this year.
Kicking us off is Mikiʻala Pescaia and Kaʻanohiokalā Kalama-Macomber on Thursday, February 24 with a presentation on "Nā Moʻolelo Kawowo: Tales of our Queens, Grandmothers and Goddesses." Mikiʻala and Kaʻanohi are both amazing story tellers and will be sharing some of their favorite moʻolelo.
Past Events - 2021

Saturday, January 30, 2021 • 2pm- 4:30pm HST
A Culture to Canvas Chant & Paint Webinar
Presenter: Kumu Hula Kehau Kekua
We are having a very special Culture to Canvas Chant & Paint Webinar as a part of our ʻAha Wahine Kūhinapapa virtual series called Wahinepōʻaimoku presented by Native Hawaiian Artist and Kumu Hula Kēhaulani Kekua from the island of Kauaʻi.
"Wahinepōʻaimoku" is inspired by the heroine and akua wahine, Hiʻiakaikapoliopele, and the boundless experiences of her life's journey. At the forefront of this epic saga, is the task accepted by Hiʻiaka to travel to Kauaʻi to fetch Lohiʻau, the Hāʻena chief and dream lover of Pele.
This youngest and favorite sister of the fire and volcano goddess, is the healer of the Pele clan. Hiʻiaka is attributed as the deity that follows in the footsteps of Pele, who is responsible for creating new lands. Her role is to heal the land, and to manifest growth and abundance. Not only does she bring life to the landscape, but Hiʻiaka inspires health, healing and wellness amongst families and the people.
Culture to Canvas is a fun and unique painting experience of creative processes that draw upon the poetry and imagery of this classical moʻolelo. Participants will learn a chant as a means to tap into their respective connections with ʻāina, ʻohana and more!
Absolutely no experience is needed, just a desire to learn and create! In partnership with ʻAha Kāne, Studio HAʻA, and Hawaiʻi People’s Fund, we are able to offer a limited number of printed materials, art kits with supplies for wahine from different locations. Space is limited and Attendance is mandatory via ZOOM. If you are not able to commit, please do not register, so that slot and kit may be available to another wahine to participate.
Registration is limited to one per ʻohana. Double check the information you enter in the registration form. We will not be responsible for incorrect/ incomplete names and mailing addresses.
You'll receive a confirmation from the planning team, via the email that you entered and the Zoom information will be emailed to you the week of the event along with any additional information needed.
We had an overwhelming response and have confirmed our participants that will be receiving their kits this week. Kumu Kēhau has 14 additional kits that are available for purchase through her website. Click on the link below to purchase a kit directly from her website. Mahalo and feel free to email us (ahawahinekuhinapapa@gmail.com) if you have any questions.

Thursday, October 15, 2020 • 7pm HST
ʻO Ke Kāhua Ma Mua, Ma Hope Ke Kūkulu
Kicking off the Aha Wāhine Kūhinapapa 2020 webinar series, we will be taking a historical look at our past conferences, the work inspired from those two conferences and what our plans are for the future.
Presenters: Kaʻuilani Odom, Kim Birnie, Mehanaokalā Hind, Ānuenue Punua, Judy Oliveira, Jamee Miller, Napua Casson-Fisher
Moderated by: Malia Nobrega-Olivera